Funday Favorites #2 | A little bit of everything.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hello, lovely ladies! First of all, I want to address my absence from blogging. I'm sorry for not posting for a while. Am I the only one constantly running out of ideas? Hopefully not. Well, I plan on getting back and trying my hardest to post. :)

This week I did some major shopping and got almost everything I wanted - a new summer dress and tons of necessities from the drugstore. I plan on getting one or two lipsticks next, I will inform you as soon as I do :)
And now onto my favorites:

TV SHOW: Grey's Anatomy | The first favorite this week (and the previous one, since I didn't post) was Grey's Anatomy. If you think that after 9 seasons they should run out of interesting ideas for the show, think again. The show always catches my attention and leaves me wanting more. I love the whole hospital scenery as well as some drama and love stories involved in the doctor's life. If you never watched it - you should! 

MAKE-UP: Lipsticks | I don't know what has gotten into me but recently I started craving more lipsticks. In my very poor collection I have only one, and that one being very poorly formulated and not at all nice on the lips. Also, the pink color doesn't suit me very well. It sets into the lines on the lips and they look not nicer but dryer. Who wants that? No one. The only problem is that good lippies can cost a lot here. And as a teenager I don't make much money which results to buying none. Well, hopefully I will save a little and find cheaper but good alternatives!

SCENT: Fruity | I'm always know as the one that loves anything coconut or vanilla scented. Don't get me wrong - I still love it. But recently I started getting a lot more into anything fruity scented. Shower gels, bath bombs, candles... Maybe it's the whole spring/summer spirit getting into me lately? Probably yes.

Have you got any lipstick suggestions? Or TV shows to recommend? Feel free to leave them in the comments!


  1. I often run out of blogging ideas too it's really annoying, I find that if you write down lots of ideas when you're feeling inspired you always have a post to write when you feel like it :) I'm not sure what country you're in but check Fragrance Direct for cheap lipsticks, the Kate by Rimmel and Dainty Doll ones and loads of others just £2 each x

    1. I live in Lithuania, and unfortunately they don't ship here. Oh well, I guess I will have to find some near me. I'm also super jealous of UK prices! Thanks for helping, dear xx

  2. always have lipstick cravings! x

  3. Idk what it is but I just can't get into Grey's Anatomy! I know so many people who love it though! Hope you had a great week!

    -Erica xx | Bloglovin

    1. It's one of those medical shows so either you like it or you don't. there's no in between. :) hope you had a great week too! x

  4. Revenge is pretty good! I am currently watching that right now :)

    Now following you on GFC and Bloglovin

    Amina || Blog: Oh just one more ||


Comments means a lot! Thanks for talking to me. I answer every single one ♥

If you have any questions, feel free to email me or tweet me @chantellieve.

Talk to you soon, Eve XO

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